The creativity in this world amazes me.
There are times when I’m out or browsing online and I see something that stops me in my tracks. I can’t help but think how beautiful that creation is. I may not need that item, but there is something about the colors, design, uniqueness that caught my attention.
Creativity comes in all different ways, as I mentioned before in this post.
I love being inspired by other artists. Sometimes either the placement of their design, the colors they paired together, the shapes they use spur an idea in me. I found a wrapping paper the other day at TJMaxx that did this to me. I instantly fell in love with the paper and knew I needed to bring it home with me, if only to continued to be inspired by the design.
I wrapped a few presents with it and then taped a piece to the wall. Could wrapping paper be turned into wall paper? This I’m not sure, but I may want to try it.
While the wrapping paper was taped to the wall, I looked at it off and on and thought how much I loved the print. I decided I wanted to try my hand at painting some flowers inspired by this design. I had a base wood sign that I had already built and painted white. It was a blank canvas waiting to be embellished and make into something. I came up with this idea to create a sign off a phrase that I have done a couple of times before (like in this wood sign post), but this time to embellish the sun with flowers inspired by this wrapping paper.
I painted the words, the sun, and then was ready for the fun part. I picked out my own colors for the flowers and just started having fun and painting away.
It was so fun just going for it. I loved laying my colors on top of each other and adding some details to the flowers to add another depth and color to the painting. It took a little while to wait for colors to dry before I could build on them. In between homeschooling and life I would capture a layer or two, so this part of the sign alone took about three days. It was worth it. I love how the sun was so much more fun and unique because of these flowers and to think it was all inspired by a piece of wrapping paper.
I was super nervous to add my rustic touch to the sign after spending so much time painting the flowers. I had a piece of art I loved and I was afraid I might ruin it to sand and stain the whole sign. I wanted to take that risk though. I knew the potential of the sign being even more beautiful with that light rustic/warm touch, so I slowly started sanding my creation very lightly.
After I sanded, I painted on Minwax’s Early American stain and rubbed it off with an old cloth.
I loved what this step did to the sign. My last step was to add the frame and stain it as well. I quickly measured the pieces and nailed them into place. My sign was finished, and I just adore it!
I think it is a beautiful combination of color with a rustic/artsy edge. It’s so fun. This popular phrase has been made into all kinds of signs, but a small piece of wrapping paper helped me create a sign that I had not done/seen before. I love that we can find inspiration in the craziest of places.
There are items that we can expect to find inspiration. Magazines, blog posts, and Pinterest are just few normal places to find inspiration. What are some of the weird ones you have found inspiration?
A worn down barn?
The way a creek trickles over shallow rocks?
Weathered chairs?
What else?
What is something that has inspired a creation of yours?
In a world that is constantly changing, evolving, and inspiration can be found everywhere, I think it is so important to lean into some of that to the next level of depth. Rather than just seeing something you love, figure out why you love it and do something about it. I loved the shapes of the flowers, so I took this inspiration and made something of my own with it. Instead of just looking, I used my hands and made something. Try it!
Thank you so much for joining me here today. If you may be interested in purchasing this sign, please check my shop to see if it is still available.