Welcome back to Spoonful of Imagination!! Did you browse around yesterday? I would love to hear what your favorite new features are about the site! I will tell you about mine in this post. But first, the really fun stuff!
As you remember, we are drawing a winner everyday this week from the entries in Friday’s giveaway contest. The winner of today’s giveaway is going to receive this beautiful hair bow.
I used Random. org to draw today’s winner, and congratulations Gina Clyde! You are the winner of this Creme/lace Hair Bow! Gina, I will be in touch! Do not worry, your name will go back in the hat for Friday’s drawing!
Thank you so much to Gina and all of you who have already entered the drawing for Friday’s Grand Prize. If you have not entered, it is not too late! If you have already entered, there are some daily options for you to gain more entries!
If you haven’t entered, wait for the Rafflecopter widget to load and add your entries.
Today, I want to share a little more with you about my new site. I have five things that I am really excited about, and I wanted to point them out to you.
First, you can still see all of your favorite posts from Deuel Family. Use the pretty buttons on the right to go straight to my most popular categories. You can also use the archive tab to scroll through to see even more categories.
Secondly, I have a really easy subscribe button at the top right of the screen, so you can easily enter your email and not miss one of my posts! Just as a reminder to my old followers, you will have to re-enter your information.
Third, I love how my Dancing Zebras tab at the top links you directly to my store on etsy. It is so quick and easy to see what I have up for sale. I will continue to add new things to the store, and I hope you will keep checking it out.
Fourth, I just adore my rotating slides at the top of my site. I will be featuring five posts at a time through this banner.
Lastly, I LOVE all my cute, little social media buttons at the top of my screen. There are so many ways to stay in contact with me, and I hope you choose to follow them all!!
As you can see, I am a bit gitty with excitement over here! Thank you so much for checking in today. I can’t wait to share with you who tomorrow’s giveaway winner is and tell you about some series I have coming up.
This might be my favorite bow ever!!! I love it!
Hey everyone… just diving in to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Erica! I love you!
The blog looks great!!!