What’s your favorite part of creating?
I love the dreaming, imagining the possibilities, and starting the project. I love how you can take nothing and make something. I love to think outside the box and try something new.
I was so excited when I was given the opportunity to try the Dremel Micro 8050. I had never used one and was all too excited about the possibilities. You know I have a love for making signs and really anything with an inspirational quote. I now had the chance to learn how to engrave, and I was thrilled.
Turns out I love this thing, and let me tell you why through the process of how I created my Georgia home sign. Also, there’s a video at the bottom that captures the process.
I started by taking an old piece of cedar wood and sanding the sides really well. I then did a rough/rustic paint job and sanded it lightly afterwards to dim any thick solid parts of paint.
Next, I measured out where I wanted my word “home” to go and penciled it on, so I would have a guide to follow with my Dremel.
I was then ready to start! I was so excited I didn’t wait till my Dremel was fully charged. Lesson learned. I was forced to be even more patient and wait for it to charge when my project was half way done. So, good lesson for me… Have your Dremel charging while you are prepping your project.
I found myself carving and it was so easy and FUN! I literally started and finished carving HOME and asked myself, “what else can I carve?” I made a few more signs as I couldn’t put this thing down!
The Dremel was so easy to maneuver. I was really impressed with my first try. I thought maybe I should play with it a little on some scrap wood, before I started my project but my impatience got the best of me, as usual, and I just dove in. To my pleasant surprise, it totally worked out!
Some features that I love are that it is cordless! This was so important as I was turning it around to get the letters complete. Plus, I was able to sit out on my front porch, while my kids played, and engrave away. There was no big set up. Dremel has said it is”light and easy to handle in tight spaces, the Dremel® Micro™8050 is packed with features that have crafters, hobbyists and DIYers in mind: soft grip, LED front-end lighting to illuminate projects, a docking station that continually charges, and an 8V Max Lithium-ion battery.”
I saw that they had you and me in mind when creating this project. I’m addicted.
After I had Dremel-ed my signs (did I just make that word up?), I stained them. I felt like I was learning and experimenting with a new craft this whole project, so I played with painting my carved letters in and leaving them plain. I like both looks! Each way creates a unique look. I glued an embellished wood piece on and my signs were complete! I think I am hooked and you will be seeing lots of new projects in my future with this Dremel.
Do you have a Dremel? The Micro 8050 can cut, carve, engrave, sand, grind, sharpen, clean and polish—helping you bring just about any brilliant project to life. It is fully compatible with all Dremel rotary tool accessories. I demonstrated the carving/engraving technique, but I can’t wait to try out it’s other features on future projects.
Here is a fun, little video that my kids helped me shoot of my project in the works. Enjoy! I hope this post inspires you to try something new and maybe pick up a Dremel Micro next time you are in Home Depot or you can order online at Amazon.com.
Dremel wants to celebrate its fans’ brilliant projects, work and ideas! Now through October 12, share, tweet or post photos on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram that depict your brilliant ideas using the hashtag #MyBrilliantIdeaSweeps for the chance to win weekly prizes, including free tools and handmade gifts, or the grand prize: a custom-engraved Honda scooter and a Micro 8050. Visit www.facebook.com/dremel for rules and to learn more.
I have listed these signs in my store, if you are interested. Thanks so much for stopping by!
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
Love how your signs turned out! So cute! And love your video too. 🙂
Oh Thank you! That video was tricky to direct and be in 🙂 but my boys pulled it off! 🙂 so fun! XOXO
What dremel tip did you use on the “home” sign
My son is trying his hand at this kind of thing. Yours is the first site I found that may actually help him! Thanks! Where did you get the wood pieces to glue on?
We just always keep our eye out for old worn wood. We have pulled some off of pallets. Some we have literally found washed up around creeks and lakes. We’ve had people donate wood to us from old barns.
Did you make the Georgia cut-out? If so, do you have a tutorial?
We actually ordered that GA cut-out from woodcrafter.com – hope that helps!
Nicely done! And this tool seems very handy to have. Have you tried making wooden stamps with this? I’m wondering if it’s possible to carve your designs deep enough with this tool so you can take your final work and press it on an ink pad to stamp your designs on paper and other stuff. Have you tried that?
What tip did you use?