On Saturday, we had a family birthday dinner for our little girl. There were aunts, uncles, a cousin, grandmas, grandpas, a great-grandma, and even a great-aunt all here to love on our little girl. She is so blessed to have such wonderful family live near by! We did miss some pretty great aunts, uncles, and a cousin!!
Matt and I made our first ever, from scratch lasagna for the occasion. It was pretty much amazing and now my favorite lasagna of all time! Too bad it was so much work to create cause it might not be happening again for a while! 🙂
Rea was/is still recovering from RSV so she took a little nap during the party and then crashed before all her guests left. Poor girl! She was a blast though! She started into her cake before we had even finished singing to her! That’s my girl!
Rea was born during the snow storm last year, so it only seemed fitting to give her dinner a “winter ONE-derland” theme, except it was like 70 degrees here this year! Ha! Here are some pictures from our evening:
p.s. The last picture is a pretty common theme to all our dinners with family. At some point, my boys decide to start a wrestling match and its just a matter of who their victims may be! Soooooo watch out 😉 BOYS! Gotta love them!
so cute! Happy birthday Reagan!