Here are the long-awaited pictures of my grandparents’ auction!! It was so hard to cut down my FULL camera card to these 22 pictures, but I did it.
The morning of the auction, my mom did a toast with her sweet parents!
Aren’t they cute!?! Editing these pictures made me sentimental all over again! I’m so thankful I got to go to Ohio and see them and be there for this big event in their lives!
There were so many cool things in this auction! I got to claim one of these old-time cast irons! It is now a beautiful book end on my shelf!
I could have claimed a lot, but I held myself back! How gorgeous is this copper bin?!?
There was stuff in three barns and oozing out on the grounds around. I never knew they had so much stuff crammed into this cute house.
Yes, that was a church bench! I go “grandma, where did you get a church bench!?” while thinking to myself “she is the coolest grandma ever to have a church pew (and where has that thing been hiding)!!”. She said, “I got it at church! While the church was remodeling, I got it!” Ha! Of course you would get a church pew from a church!?! If I had lived closer, I would have snatched this thing! It went for $50!!
So, as you can imagine having two small boys around all this was a bit hard. They LOVED it all, and wanted to touch it all. Hence why we threw a lot of rocks down by the creek (removed from all this during the actual auction). It was really cool to let them experience it off and on all day though! They couldn’t believe how fast the auctioneer talked!
I think they are messing with old coffee grinders in that picture! So cool!
We estimated about 300 people showed up for the auction. My grandparents strolled around a little, but they mostly sat on their front porch throughout the auction. I can’t imagine how hard it would be to see all your stuff go and to know some of it was worth more than what it “sold” for.
I love my grandma! Isn’t she pretty!?! It’s so sad that Ohio is so far away!!
The first barn held a lot of household items and decor stuff. The second barn was all my grandpa’s tools and equipment.
Here they were auctioning off my grandpa’s tractor. Insert tear, tear.
The boys had a blast! You can see J was more interested in waving to his family than seeing what the auctioneer was talking about. After the house was auctioned off to the highest bidder, the auctioneer came and talked to my grandparents to see if they wanted to accept the bid.
It was lower than what they wanted, so it is going on the market for sale. They were a little disappointed that they didn’t get offered for more for the house, but I was proud of them for not just saying yes and giving it away.
My boys were such great sports! I was so proud of them!!
I love that picture and how it shows info on the auction and also my sweet grandparents taking it all in. So, do you want to see something my mom and I bid on!?! We bid on these two beauties. (They were in the third barn.)
They are old rustic drawers that my grandpa kept screws and bolts in. We only wanted one, which is good because my cousin wanted the other!! We got these for $5. I’m not even kidding. I guess no one else saw the potential here!!!
My cousin has amazing taste, and he already has transformed his into a masterpiece! Amazing job Corbin!!
Did he not do an incredible job!?! They hadn’t put the hardware back on yet, when I got these pictures, but he said they would. My little beauty is still sitting out in my garage with most of my other finds. Check out everything I walked away…
I do love old wood, but I gave those two boards to my wood working brother. The old window, I’m going to make into a masterpiece to help me homeschool my boys! I can’t decide what I want to do with the little chair. I’m pretty excited about it! I can’t decide if I want to paint the wood or the metal. One of the two I want to leave alone, but I can’t decide which way to go with it. What do you think!?!
My old drawers I plan on using for craft supplies. I can’t decide what I want to do with it either! There are so many options that keep my head turning and wont let it land on an idea! Oh decisions! I love how Corbin added legs to his drawer box, so maybe I will do that too! I’m going to start by washing the thing and go from there!
Thank you so much for reading about my grandparents’ auction! I love that I have some pieces of my grandparents’ past to enjoy! Do you have some old items that are special to you! I’d love to hear what they are!?!
Aww, what a great post. Thanks for taking us to the auction with you so we could see it through. The drawers are so cool and your grandparents must have had quite a bit of emotion that day. How sweet that you were able to bid on some things and get them. I’m sure you’ll cherish each piece.
What a bittersweet day. I love the drawers…can’t wait to see what you do with them!
What a moving, heartfelt tribute to my parents! They will be so honored to read your blog. Thank you for making the trip and the memories.
I’m so glad I could go and be apart of it!! Thanks for putting up with two lil boys on a long drive to make it possible!
Love the drawers – cant believe they were only $5.
Thanks Nina!! Me either!!!