Tonight, we had a fall table decorated totally by my kids. They loved putting this display together. All day they excitedly talked about how we were going to eat dinner “by candlelight”.
There are five decorations on this table, and they are so quick and easy. I promise! I will walk you through each one.
1. Walk through your backyard and pick some berries or branches to put in a vase for the centerpiece. The natural outdoor elements will make it feel rustic and fall. We put our berries in an old aluminum soup can that I had cleaned out and wrapped twine around.
2. Have your child use a small pumpkin carving knife (that comes in a kit) to carve out the center of a small pumpkin. My boys (who are 5 and 3) could do this step pretty much on their own. I assisted to make sure no fingers were getting carved off and to help clean out the middle of the pumpkin with a spoon. We inserted a votive candle into the middle of the pumpkin. It was the perfect fit!
3. Gather some acorn tops. My five-year-old merely squirted some Elmer’s glue into each acorn top and stuck a colorful (fall colors) pom-pom on the glue. It was so quick and easy. He loved that looked like acorns, but they were also different and fun! It was such a cheap thrill!
4. Gather some pretty leaves of all different colors and lay in the center of the table. My boys came back with fresh green branches. 🙂
5. Make some place mats. We made these place mats with some acrylic paint, paper, and leaves. The boys brushed paint onto the back of the leaves and used them as stamps to decorate their paper. They did not want to use these tonight for our dinner place mats for fear they may be ruined, so we opted for some quick name place mats…
The boys were so excited to eat dinner that I didn’t even have to call them when dinner was ready. They were already sitting in their chairs waiting.
It is so funny how something that didn’t take much time or really any money can make the kids feel so special. Anything out of the “normal” is a big deal, and they loved our special fall decorated dinner table.
I hope you are all having a great week! We had the best “family date” day on Sunday that I can’t wait to share with you all!
If you are local in Georgia and need a fun outing for this weekend, be sure to check back later this week! I will give you all the information on what we did, and it was not expensive!
**This post is linked up at Miss Information.
So precious! Love this idea.