Last week, I had one of those weeks that you have to laugh (and pray loads) at to make it through. I was sick, my baby girl was sick, my husband was traveling, my son’s puppy pooped live worms on a favorite rug at 11:00pm…so I found my sick self washing all my bedding at 11:00pm for fear I would get worms. The same baby girl (that isn’t really a baby at 4 years old) took a late nap (that never happens) and peed my bed, and I didn’t realize it till much later. So, I was changing sheets again another night…I could go on and on…it was epic.
In the midst of all that, I just needed a pick me up. Somewhere in that week, I sewed my curtain. The week is a bit of a blur, but I see these curtains and they feel like a bigger accomplishment than any other regular craft project. They feel like I climbed Mount Everest.
Do you have a project like that? In all actuality it was just a curtain panel. For weeks and weeks, I searched the web, pinterest, my favorite stores-looking for the perfect fun, colorful, floral pattern curtain. I never found any I just loved for the price I wanted to pay. I just wanted one curtain panel. I needed a fun curtain to add to my black and white one.
If you remember from my home tour, my craft studio use to look like this…
I loved the big open windows. I didn’t really even think about putting curtains up, until I put a day bed in the room and realized it really could act as another sleeping place for guests. That started the curtain thinking and searching. Once I realized my black and white set would only cover a portion of the windows, I decided to mix it up with a contrasting color and pattern in another curtain panel for fun. After looking for a long time, I decided I just needed to make it. I found this fabric and draped it over the curtain rod to stare at for a while to make sure I was sure. It kind of worked like that, so maybe I could have just left it. It worked with the look of another favorite rug thrown over the chair, so the puppy wouldn’t pee on it…or chew on it…again too. 🙂
I simply folded about half an inch over on the side and sewed it up. I could have ironed to have that fold have a nice pretty crease, but I was sick…and didn’t care.
After both sides were sewn up. I folded the top over about three inches, pinned the fabric down, and sewed along the pin line. This made a long loop for my curtain rod to go through.
I then hung up the new curtain to be able to tell length. I got three yards of fabric and probably cut off about 1/4 a yard. I just eye-balled it, cut it, and sewed the edge. There isn’t anything super pretty about my sewn lines or the corner edges, but it’s just a curtain panel, right!?
I love how it came out. It was a little joy and fun in the midst of some craze. I’m feeling so much better. I’m so glad I am writing to you rather than being in bed by 8:00pm. God is good.
It was just a curtain panel, but after weeks of searching, deciding to make it, and pulling it off…it was a GREAT thing to get done. Do you have anything like that on your to do list?
I can’t wait to show you this whole room, but tomorrow I am going to share with you my boys’ bedroom stenciled wall. Be sure to check it out. It’s one of my favorite paint projects to date!
I’m jumping all over with this home tour. I hope you like seeing bits and pieces as I have them! Love you all, and so thankful that you are a place that I can share my bad week and just be real. As always find me on Instagram (ericadeuel) so we can chat!
That fabric makes me swoon!! Do you know what brand/designer/whatever-it’s-called is? Just lovely and I think I need it. 😉