I love that this is in our backyard! (Not literally of course…but it’s less than a mile away!!) We can walk there! Ha not that we do. If it wasn’t for the HUGE hill that led down from the street to the bridge (and the 90 degree weather) we probably would. Maybe next time!
I don’t think we have gone since Reagan was asleep in the Baby Bjorn on me. She was hilarious to watch take it all in for the “first time”.
Hiking down to the river to throw rocks is one of my boys favorite things to do. We really should do it more! Caleb had been asking for three days to go, so on Sunday afternoon we went! We packed a little dinner picnic and had the best time. There is something so appealing about pulling away from “noise” (and phones) and getting in nature. It’s simplifying and really makes you feel alive.
I just love that these gorgeous woods and running water is literally in the heart of Roswell. Once you are back in there, you totally forget that there are streets and restaurants so close by!
My boys were on cloud nine! Caleb packed his own little pouch with a map and telescope to bring on this “adventure”. He was ready!
I think J would live in the woods if he could. He could throw rocks into that river for hours and not get tired of it.
Reagan was taking it all in, but she has her own little spirit and jumped in quickly. This girl might just be the most adventurous of all my kids.
She learned how to say “rock” on this outing. She really is picking up new words everyday now and reusing them all on her own. It’s mind boggling how fast she is learning! I feel incredibly blessed to be home and get to witness and take in this amazing season in our lives.
This time is going by too quickly. I read this phrase a while back “let them be little” and I couldn’t agree with it more. They are only little once. So allow the sweat, dirt, and messes…even if it means more laundry. There are memories, discoveries and adventures to be made!
I think she had a great time at the Roswell Mill. 🙂 What do you think?!
We had a great weekend! I hope you did too!!!