Emily is saying we didn’t say “good-bye”, we just said “see you soon”, so that is what I am going to go with aswell…although it kind of felt like a good-bye. For all of you have either texted me, messaged me, or commented on my link on facebook, thank you so much! Your sweet words really helped me process this time. I feel like writing my blog entry really was the hardest “grieving” period, so when we said our “see you soons” I didn’t do the ugly cry…just some moist eyelids. I think the hardest part was hugging those cute kids good-bye. I love them like my own (not too mention they are all best friends for growing up together), and its so weird that all our years spent together will fade in their memory as they get older. So, we will just have to visit often so they don’t forget their Aunt Erica in Georgia
. A few pictures from our week…
We love you guys and cant wait to hear how your “journey” continues in LA! SEE YOU SOON!!!
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