A week ago, I started seeing posts about Christmas decorations and trees going up on Facebook. It shocked me to say the least. Everyone has their own take and the right to their own opinion, so this is not me judging anyone! It just got me thinking why I was so shocked.
I am one of those that is strict about how Christmas does NOT come before thanksgiving. I don’t know why. I love christmas and everything about it!
It might be because I am obsessed with fall. It is by far my favorite time of the year. I love the cool weather, sweatshirts, being able to play outside without melting or freezing, pumpkins, hayrides, camping, bonfires…and I could go on and on. I always think the leaves get the prettiest around my birthday (November 6), so to me that is when fall is like full on. I live on a little street where most of the houses are 60+ years old. There are huge oak and dogwood trees all around me. They are stunning! I can not help but look at them and think “what a creative God we serve!” He is an artist. Knowing that God is so creative and we are made in his image…leads me to do projects with my little artists. We have so much to be thankful for! (If you leave the cursor resting on a picture it will bring up the title of that photo which might help understanding the description below it.)
Soooo while thinking I came up with this question…do you think that your favorite season has any correlation to when your birthday is?!
Erica you are such a creative and wonderful mom!! I’m always so impressed with the crafts and activities you do with your kids, they are so blessed to have you as their mother.
I’ve tried getting a handprint out of Eli, but even asleep he doesn’t let me. He just curls his hand up into a fist every time!