Before you read the following scenarios, remember they both happened today!
1. I walked past Caleb and I got a very brutal whiff of something. I stopped to smell at Caleb’s butt and it was definitely the location of a very potent smell. In the past, we would have walked back to his room and changed his diaper. We haven’t done that in over a week now. In this new moment I start scrambling on getting him to the bath tub and deciding the easiest way to get his clothes and underwear off without him stepping in his poop or getting it everywhere. We have yet to perfect that technique. In this moment I feel defeated and completely worn out on potty training. I may feel a little too OCD and too big of a germ person as well. 🙂
2. Today I went into the toy room (where Caleb likes to take his nap) to get him up. Even though he is in a room full of toys, he still lays happily on his Elmo bed and calls for me to come get him. The first thing he says to me when I walked into the room was “mommy, I need to go potty.” Excitedly, I took his diaper off (not brave enough to not have those on for nap time just yet.) It was dry after a 3 hour nap! He goes pee right in the potty-points his penis down and everything! (We are into the real term around here.) In this moment I am so so proud and think its clicking for the little guy!
Overall, we are having some interesting days and needing Jesus more than ever! Just as Jesus will give me the strength to be patient in the hard, dirty moments…I need the joy and love to be thrilled and appreciative of the happy moments.
p.s. Why can’t poop be as easy as pee in the potty training process?????