Caleb had his first friend spend the night at our house!! Andrew & Emily Morgan, our best friends, are at the hospital delivering their second son-and we get to keep Cole!! Caleb is loving having his best friend over all day…and they were BOTH so excited about sharing a room last night! Haha I didn’t know if we were gonna regret the decision about putting them in the same room. A) because they can get a little rough and frustrated with eachother…in this love…hate…love relationship. B) we would have to move them later C) They wouldn’t/we wouldn’t get any sleep. IT WORKED!! They talked for a little while…and then got quiet. It was funny when Cole started dozing because I heard Caleb’s sweet little voice saying “Cole? Cole? Cole?” It was as if he was saying ‘don’t fall asleep, let’s keep talking’. We checked on them about 3 times before we went to bed…and they were fine! So sweet seeing both boys asleep!
Today is day 2 of Camp Deuel! Yesterday, we went to the country…fed chickens, swam in the pool, picked blue berries…so far today we are recovering from yesterday and laying low around here.
P.s. GAVIN just arrived!!!! Praise God momma and baby are good!!!
yay for Gavin being here! 🙂 and the cute sleeping boys!
I love the fact that Caleb is wearing his sun glasses in bed!