When you walk into my house, my dinning room is one of the first things you see. It is bright and colorful, and I think a great representation of us. We love color and creativity and both are represented here.
One of my great joys is using my kids’ art to decorate our home. I think it is such a special way to celebrate and applaud their creativity, while capturing and appreciating this special season of them being little. For me, I would much rather have a sentimental piece that one of my kids made than spend loads on a piece that I do not know the story behind. As I admire their artwork it is so fun to see their skill and interests evolve.
This room would be wasted space if it was a formal dinning room in this house. I think we have had two meals in this room in the five months we have lived here. Instead, we use it mostly as our craft room. I do a lot of my projects in here and the kids often join me with their own creations. Unfortunately, the result is that it never looks this picked up. The few strands of broken chalk and make shift fort under the table is nothing to what it usually looks like.
It is definitely in my blood, but I would much rather have a house with creative outlets than to be constantly worried about messes. I want my kids to think creatively and outside the box.
Although we do a LOT of art around my house, I love to send my boys to Out of the Box Art Studio in Alpharetta, Georgia for classes. My boys do a summer camp with them every year. They have the best projects and the kids always have so much fun. Most of the teachers are friends of mine and I grew up taking art from the Owner & Director, Juli. They are so sweet and encouraging with all of their students.
My boys’ artwork from this past summer camp is a huge element in the decor around our house. Most of the projects on our dinning room wall were created at Out of the Box Art Studio. The pieces they bring home from there are some of my favorites!
I worked at OOTB for a little while. I grew a deep, genuine love of art from the owners and staff while I was emerged in this great environment weekly. I loved it. Now that I stay home with my kids, I love to send them there for a great experience.
Out of the Box has more than just awesome summer camps – they have art classes all year-long. This studio teaches potters wheel, clay hand building, drawing, oil painting, acrylic, watercolor, and multi media. They have after school classes but also classes during the day for homeschoolers.
On October 21, they start a new series of 8 week classes. There are so many options from 2-yr-olds all the way to age 18! They have classes in the studio in Alpharetta but they also have two locations in Cumming and mobile classes they take to other locations.
Registration has begun and will end October 16th. Out of the Box has been so generous to offer a “Spoonful of Imagination Special”. If you mention my website in your registration you will receive $10.00 off your class cost. The classes are already incredibly affordable, so this is a great deal!
Here are a few pictures from their website:
Are you craving to do some art now!? Please check out their website for a complete list of classes. You can also like them on facebook to stay informed.
I LOVE LOVE this!!! Thank you for taking the time to blog this.
Thank you! My house has art everywhere. I love it. I know you understand 🙂 I was so excited to hear that NGHE is now going to be having Out of the Box Art classes too. They are so great. Have your kids ever taken art classes with them? XO, Erica