January 20, 2009-what an amazing day!! This was a huge day for lots of reasons! One, it was the inauguration of our first African American president that we are totally pumped about! Second, Jeremiah rolled over from his stomach to his back during ‘tummy time’ for the first time! Third, and the reason for this post, ANTHEM was released!! YEA!!! We have been so excited to share this film with all those we love…and those we don’t even know! We feel like God is going to use it to change people’s lives…and now it is here and that process has begun! It is so exciting to be able to share this film with so many people who have given financially and with their time and prayers to make it happen. Thank you to all those that made it possible!! Even though we have seen the film tons of times…it still touches me every time I watch it. It has become a joke between Matt and I how we both relate back to the film. When something is going on in our lives or someones we care about…Matt and I will often say “it’s like John said…” or “your life is a poem” …some line from the movie. It has become something we live and breath and want to live out. I am so completely proud of my husband! Matt spent HUNDREDS of hours editing and perfecting it. He could probably quote the whole film for you from beginning to end (just like Tony could do of Pirates of the Caribbean in high school). Even though he is a whiz at editing there are so many things he had to research and learn to be able to complete this film. This film is one of my favorites EVER! Not even thinking of the film itself-with the message it holds…it is professionally packaged with an incredible cover-and even a bar code!! Please pick one up if you haven’t already!! You will not regret it! www.brokenvoices.org. Broken Voices has been an exciting road to be on. Its been so cool to see God move and touch lives through this organization. Its been hard, but also one of the best things I have ever done/been a part of. There are moments when it gets tough, and in all honesty I want out…but God is faithful! Its like Len said “God is faithful when its good, when its hard, etc” see there I’m quoting it! Whenever we have needed something God has provided. I feel like my faith has grown so much this past year in trusting God to provide, and just when I feel like I have learned that lesson…its like God says “I’m not through with you or this lesson yet…you can’t do it on your own-you need me!” We love you all and are so blessed to have you in our lives! Thank you for being on this journey with us!
George says
Erica, what a great message you have written about faith and God’s provision! We are proud of you and and the other BV team members as well.