****Erica’s version****
- Unplug the hotel phone
- Caleb and J share a hotel towel or I will be reusing one of theirs
- Change J’s diaper in the middle of the night or I will be rewashing his bedding EVERY day
- Have Caleb do “races” and “jumps” at every pit stop, so he will have a happier heart in the car
- Lock the latch to the hotel door, or Caleb will open the door and I will find him enjoying someone else’s room
- Do NOT let my toddler play with our room key, or I will constantly be getting new ones made
- Don’t attempt to stick the paci in J’s mouth instead of a bottle in the middle of the night
- PUMP Caleb up about going to a nice new room, so he is ok about moving and getting in the car again
- Take Caleb’s attitude that every new room is a “NICE NEW ROOM, Mom”…no matter how nice it really is
- Do not leave J and Cole alone together unless I want J to have a new facial feature…aka teethmarks across his nose
- Gather my room key, laundry, laundry detergent, and quarters before leaving our hotel room or I will be doing tons of trips up and down elevators or stairs
- Don’t use all my laundry quarters on kiddie rides at the mall
- Don’t give the boys all their Dollar Tree “prizes” in the first hour of a 14 hour car ride
- Be sure the boys are asleep before I have adult conversations
- Don’t allow my toddler to carry his toothbrush around unless I really want the elevator and room cleaned
- Get creative about ways to find alone time and time with Matt
- I can enjoy the change of seasons without being home with my fall decorations
- Request a hotel room close to Maddie’s so the monitor works
- Keep snacks on me at all times
- Come up with a code word for playgrounds, PG. The boys know we are hitting up like every playground along our route and loving it!
- Be thankful for every minute we get to do this!!!!!!!
****coming soon: MORE VERSIONS****
Ok so I love your updates – I miss you guys!!!
great update girl i love reading your blog!
ha ps this isn’t litny its Emily