Disclaimer: The wall stencil and stencil brush I received for free. Thank you Royal Design Studio Stencils for so generously gifting them to me. All opinions are very much my own.
When I started dreaming of how I wanted to create my Reagan’s new bedroom, I knew I wanted lots of color, texture, patterns, and fun. I pictured fun color with pops of natural elements and black and white contrasts thrown in. What I did not take in account was my daughter having an opinion, and she had one.
She wanted a pink room.
What!? Everything in me screamed “nooooooooo!” I am much more a purple mom for a girl. I wanted to fight her, but it’s her room. I love her more than my hatred for pink. Together we decided one purple wall would be fun. So, I painted some samples on her wall and they lived like that for a couple months while holidays and other rooms were completed. Finally it was time to paint her room. She was THRILLED to see that pink go on the wall. I held my breath.
It was really bright. I had to try to envision the end result. I kept thinking this seems like a nursery for a pink ballet themed room. I just kept playing in my head “I love my daughter, I really love my daughter” as I painted every stroke. I fought that picture in my head with what I knew the end result could be.
I loved the purple wall, but it didn’t seem quite right. It was definitely a punch of color, but it was also a little just like a purple wall. I wanted it to have more jazz and fun. I knew I needed to stencil it up, just like I stenciled my boys accent wall.
I was so excited when I saw that Royal Design Studio Stencils had so many fun, girly stencils. I fell in love with the Petal Play Floral Damask Wall Stencil. It was the perfect mix of fun and beauty without being a cartoon flower or a formal old floral.
When this stencil arrived, I was thrilled to see that there was a special ceiling stencil included that helped fill in the pattern at the top of the wall. You may remember on my boys wall, I simply cut the stencil to create that piece, but this was all ready for me!
I used what I learned from stenciling my boys wall and just went at it. No fear this time!
This stencil was so simple in the fact that I did not worry about it looking slanted when I stood back. Based on the pattern there was no fear of my stencil going crooked. What was a little more tricky was lining up the stencils, and that was only because the connecting pieces (petals) were smaller.
I ended up drawing a sharpie arrow on my stencil to a few bigger, stand out petals. This helped spot the connecting place quicker.
I decided to use gold as the accent color for this stencil because it’s fun and also subtle. I wanted the wall to ultimately look purple but also fun and a true accent wall. The stencil created that look!
I did the stippling effect again. I loved it with the gold paint because it created a gold leaf look with shimmering highlights of metallic gold.
One thing that I did not realize until this project was what a difference the stencil brush makes! My boys room was the first wall stencil I have ever done, so I just used the same stencil brush I use to create little wood signs. Big mistake. I got my hands on on the 2″ All Over Stencil Brush from Royal Design Studio Stencils, and it made all the difference. This project flew in comparison to my boys room.
The process wasn’t fast enough for this sweet, exited girl.
It was worth it though! The wall came out better than I expected. I love it. It is that punch of fun, whimsical, pattern, and color that I was hoping to create in this room.
I love how this room can grow with her. It’s so fun now, but it can also last for years. I joke with her now about trading rooms. What I love most though, is she loves it as much as me. She calls her wall her golden flowers.
As I painted this room, I realized I really didn’t want to spend the paint or time to paint her closet. It was a clean light gray. It looked fine and was in good shape. There was really no need to paint it except that it would have this harsh line that might look like I took the lazy way out in not painting it, whenever the closet doors were open.
Let’s be honest.
They are open most of the time too. I toy with taking the sliding doors off at some point, but for now they are there. I decided to just make this element creative as well. I used some painters tape and added some jagged lines into the closet to paint the wall.
By doing this technique the wall looks intentional (not like a lazy mom), and it’s also a fun element all on its own! I really love it, and now I want to go back and do the same thing in my boys’ bedroom.
Reagan’s room is so close to being done. I have a window treatment idea still to do, and I also want to sew her a rag quilt like I did for my bed and then I will be ready for a full room tour!
What do you think of all the color and splashes of fun? Does it make your heart go pitter patter as well?
I hope you feel brave and try going for it with color or some other crazy element in your life and home this week. The more I go with my gut and be bold with color…the braver I get to keep trying new things! Who knew you could find such bravery in you by a fresh coat of paint!?