While we had everyone home for Christmas, my mom threw a gender reveal family dinner for my sister, Annie, and her husband, John. They have a baby coming in May! We were all so excited to find out if it was a boy or girl! So far, I’m an Aunt of adorable little nieces. That little fact helped sway my guess as to what the gender might be! I want a nephew! Keep reading to find out what she is having, and I have something special for you at the end!
We arrived and all placed our votes on the baby’s gender. We wore blue or pink necklaces and had to guess the gender on cards signed with our name. My family is insanely competitive and we weren’t about to let voters try to swap sides last second.
I love the sister shot and the proud grandparents shots that I happened to get on my little camera, but I was very thankful when our photographer arrived. You know it is so amazing to have a professional photographer in the family. If you missed my introduction of Christina as a Spoonful of Imagination sponsor you can see it here or click over to her site (Someplace Wild) and see some more of her amazing work. Thanks for the lil plug allowance.
Now for some of her gorgeous pictures of the night!
If you have not seen my gorgeous sister-in-laws, here they are with my beautiful sister, Joni. Christina (Someplace Wild) is in the middle. Which makes me wonder, who took this picture?? It must have been her partner in crime, my brother Tony.
Aren’t they a beautiful couple!? I can’t imagine how cute their kid is going to be. It is still weird to see my sis with a baby bump as she has always been fit and thin! She is so gorgeous and can pull off preggers pretty well if you ask me.
If you follow me on instagram or twitter, you might already know what the cake revealed. Annie and John are having a baby boy!! I get my nephew, and I know they are thrilled to be having a little boy!
It was such a fun night hanging out with the family (which is a party alone), painting stacking blocks for the future baby, and of course eating a blue cake!
I never was able to wait longer than the doctor’s office to find out the sex of our kids. That wait alone was so hard! Have you ever had a gender reveal party or wanted one? What is your take on them??
Now I have something for you! My mom did all the amazing decorations for this party, but I did help her out with the invite, party blocks/sign, and the voter cards. I have all of those for you today for free!! If you want to help throw a gender reveal party like this one, you simply have to download and print these files, or please pass them along to a friend!
To download, simply click on the thumbnails below and follow your computer’s instructions to save the Word Doc files. Once saved, open them in Word, add your personalization, print, and enjoy!