I can’t believe that Christmas is already over. We had a great Christmas and are still enjoying some downtime together. Last night I edited some of our Christmas pictures, and I found myself smiling the whole time. A few of my favorite moments from the day are…
Matt and I set the alarm an hour before the kids normally get up. We wanted to get up and start the coffee, turn on lights etc, so the kids could come out and we were “ready”. The kids slept later than their usual time, and we ended up waking them up by stomping and turning the Christmas music up.
After seeing my sleeping beauty so happily snoozing, we decided to let her continue sleeping while the boys opened their stockings. Sleep was a must for such a full day!
Watching Caleb’s face when he opened Optimus Prime was one of the best moments. Check out his JOY!
Reagan opened her doll and was so fascinated and in love, she didn’t want to open ANY other presents or stocking stuffers. We didn’t make her. Those presents got packed up, and she will get them next week on her birthday. It was so beautiful to watch her joy and innocence in her first gift.
Reagan walked around all morning in her Christmas boy pajamas, in high heels, carrying her baby. So cute!
We fought the cold for a few minutes, so the boys could enjoy their new basketball hoop from their Papa and Bebe.
Opening my Dollar Tree presents from the boys was one of the best moments. Caleb got me a princess wand, and J got me an alligator hat. How did I get so lucky!? I was in giggles.
Giving all our gifts (and my homemade gifts) out, including Matt’s aunt’s Ruffle Fabric Bag, was so much fun!

We must have the biggest fondue dinner ever! It was perfect with all my siblings in the same room at once!

We love to give one “joined/group” present to the kids every year. This year it was a “school” present of new bean bags, math manipulatives, craft supplies, work books, and reading books.
I loved watching my family as they poured out love onto my kids as we just played together.
Watching Matt change out the boys’ new transformers every two seconds was the funniest thing! He was so patient too!

Seeing the love my kids have for each other as they demonstrated it by hugging and being so excited for one another as they opened presents warmed my heart so much!
Something I will never forget is Reading the Night Before Christmas, the night before all this, cuddled up on one toddler size bed together.
I hope you had a great Christmas too! I didn’t take nearly as many pictures as I wished I had. I usually do pretty good when it’s just our family doing presents and our thing, but when we are with our extended families I think I must socialize more than think of the camera. Does this happen to you too?
Now for the winners of last week’s A Year in Review Giveaway! (You can see how Ralfocopter picked the winners on the original post or check them out below!)