The problem with having a creative household is we don’t rest well. I guess I should say I don’t rest well (in the traditional sense of unplugging from everything and just sitting still for a while). I can thank my grandma for these genes. As long as I can remember, she was always busy pouring herself into something. But the truth is resting to me can look like embroidering a hoop while I watch a show or process my day with Matt. I LOVE creating. It fuels me on, so I do count it as rest.
This past weekend was amazing. I look back on it and think it was so restful, yet I made three wood signs, three embroidery hoops, taught Caleb to do embroidery hoops, painted with Reagan, picked up the house for a showing, and packaged up and mailed four packages.
You might not be as crazy as me, but when something is a part of you and you get to do it…doesn’t it fuel you on!?
One of my all time favorites is when we can dive into projects as a family. Everyone expressing themselves and together using our gifts is something very special to me.
That is how I look at our Love is Patient shirts.
The pictures in our first post are from my talented sister-in-law. Most pictures since then have been taken by my seven-year old son, Caleb. Including every single picture in this post.
Here is how this little dream has gone.
I designed a shirt that has been a huge part of our heart beat this year.
Matt found the perfect local printing company and has worked directly with them to pick shirts and order.
My kids have modeled, photographed and sacrificed hours as I have promoted and packaged up shirts.
And all along the way we have talked and brainstormed new ways to love and show patience in our day-to-day lives.
It is a family project that we all have had a part in. I think we are all proud of it, and it’s been so fun to do something together.

I love that in this journey of selling shirts, Caleb has found a love for photography. I am no pro photographer but we have had conversations about lighting, framing, angles, posed vs. natural shots, etc. He now knows our DSLR better than me. These moments have been part of our homeschool day, and I love that my “job” gets to included special moments like these. We are truly blessed.
In an exhausting time of transition waiting on our house to sell, there has been so much joy and learning. There have also been hard days of doubt and struggle. Every time an order comes in for a shirt though, I scream to the kids, “Someone bought our shirt!” and we all jump up and down and cheer. Not only does the purchase help support us, but every order gives us a moment of joy and celebration. Thank you for being tools used in our story!
We committed to selling this shirt for September and I can’t believe we are already at the end of the month. I don’t know yet, if we will sell these particular shirts again. It might be a one time project or we may be at the start of something new. We have not processed it yet.
So for now, today (September 30, 2014) is the last day to order your shirt! We hope and pray that these shirts can bless you, your friends, family, whoever as much as they have us. I truly love the feel and wear of this shirt as much as the message and my design.
For being the best readers ever, use coupon code “loveispatient”to get 15% off your shirt purchase.
You can order your shirt today here.
For the many that have already ordered a shirt, thank you so so much! If you want to help us get a little movement of people walking in belief that love is patient, share a pic from this post or from our store with the hashtag #raisingloveshirts. Thank you!!