This table runner is one of my most sentimental mom projects we’ve done to date. Those little hands grow so quickly, and having something that captures all the stages is pretty special. Let me tell you how to make your own turkey table runner keepsake.
Once upon a time, I shared this Thanksgiving playdate we had with friends. Over the years, I’ve had numerous messages and emails asking questions about how I did it. I’m pretty sure that original post was two computers ago, and I can’t find the original pictures. I hope this tutorial post helps YOU be able to create your own tradition with your kids.
Start your project by getting a basic, plain table runner. You can buy these anywhere. Mine is from Ikea. It doesn’t even have to be new. Mine had stains, and I’ll show you how that’s ok.
Start by painting your kid’s hands. I use a foam brush because it absorbs the paint quickly and gets it on pretty evenly. My kids are a bit older this time around, so they were able to paint their own hands. Mamas of littles, just have your baby wipes ready to start grabbing and cleaning their hands after you get their hand painted and stamped onto your table runner.
Part of the fun of using an old table runner is you can place your handprints right on top of the stain to cover it up. Once your hand is painted and stamped onto your table runner, press on each finger to make sure the paint transferred to the runner well.
Some ideas for your turkeys:
- You can add a new turkey every year to the table runner. With this idea, you will see how their hands (ahem…turkeys get larger every year)
- You can color code each child their own color or you could have them choose their favorite color that year to use for their turkey. This is fun because you can see their interests as well.
Once your handprints are down, you can embellish your print to look like a turkey. Use any colors or design that you like! I painted my kid’s turkeys this time, but your kids might have fun adding onto their handprint by themselves. This is the season of smears and some imperfections. It’s part of the beauty. ENJOY it! They will be grown before we know it.
After your turkeys are complete, you can have your child write their name beside their turkey. Make sure you date your group of turkeys. If you add on to your table runner the following year, you can clearly see the changes in years. (At the end of this turkey craft, you can see my table runner with 2011 and 2012 handprints). I will be going back and adding the year to this table runner.
What do you think!? Can you see yourself making a table runner keepsake!? I recommend spot cleaning these. If you want to be extra protective, maybe you display it on a buffet or somewhere away from the primary food table.
Let me know, if you have any more questions and I will try to clear those up!