I have an obsession with natural elements. Sometimes I wonder if I really was supposed to build a Swiss Family Robinson tree house, rather than buy this new house. Not really…but can you imagine!? That place has always been a dream to me.
If you remember my log end table, you know I love working with logs and sticks. The latest project I incorporated them in is this unique cake stand. If you have a chain saw (or a dad with chain saw like me), than you can do this project!
The first step was to have my dad slice me some slivers of a larger piece of wood while I stole a piece of his firewood.
I picked the sliver of wood that I liked the best and used some of my amazing Haven swag sandpaper from 3M to make the top smooth. Side note: I love this sandpaper and the back no slip grip sold me on this product! They aren’t paying my anything to say that. It is legit. Good stuff.
I cut my piece of firewood to the height I wanted for my cake stand with my new miter saw (that I will be sharing with you next week).
I then squirted a little wood glue
into the center of my wood sliver and pressed the stand tightly into it. I then hammered a small nail in from the top of the cake stand to add some extra strength, and it kept the two pieces tight as the glue dried.
My last step was to stain the top. I used Early American
for a nice dark color. It soaked in immediately to the raw wood. There wasn’t much brushing the stain on or wiping it off. It kind of soaked right in and stayed, but it worked!
Once the stain was dry, it was done! I love the way it turned out! I must note that I placed these strawberries on the stand for like two seconds for the picture. If I was to really place food there for longer periods of time, I would seal the top with something
that is safer for food. I think my stand might end up holding jewelry, but the possibilities are endless!
What do you think!? Do you like adding natural elements to your home too? I mentioned in my Haven conference recap that I wanted to share some of the swag love with one of you! O. Sing, you won!!! I am so excited you finally won something since you enter ALL my giveaways! I will be in touch!
Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you have an awesome weekend!