Do what you love.
God has given us all gifts and passions in our heart, and if we live out using those we are our best versions of ourselves. When we are at our best, we are best used to impact and love on others, right!? Our gifts and passions are usually tied to our strengths. When we operate out of our strengths, we can truly be happiest as well. So, do what you love. Make time for it. If it can’t be your full-time gig at this point in time, it is still important to carve out that time for you. Everyone around you will ultimately thank you.
For me, I love to craft. Nothing new, right!? When I finish a project and get to show it to my family, you, whoever-my heart smiles. I feel like I am a better mom, wife, friend, etc. because of it. I made this simple sign last night. I will show you the steps. Please feel free to alter my design to make it your own, and stay till the end of this post for a special giveaway.
I started with a simple chip board sign I found at Hobby Lobby. You could also use wood or whatever you find. I simply used some acrylic paint and painted my sign a minty green.
I then took some fabric and cut slits in the top about an inch long and an inch apart. I then ripped the fabric along each of those slits to get about one inch strips of fabric with pretty fringe on either side.
I put a dab of hot glue on the back of my sign and pressed one of the ends of a fabric strip into it. Once the glue had set, I started wrapping my first letter with my fabric strip. I was sure to leave some space between some wraps. I did not want it to seem perfect or polished. I liked how my mint green paint coordinated with my fabric and wanted to see some of it. You can certainly wrap yours tighter or more to cover all the letters evenly. I only added glue at the end of my first letter, but if you find your fabric is slipping-simply add a dab of glue here and there to hold it in place.
After I finished one letter, I cut my fabric strip. I simply did the same process one letter at a time. You could easily switch out your fabrics at this point too, if you wanted every letter to be something different. I decided to make all my letters the same. Just keep wrapping and doing each letter till you are done, and then find a fun place to hang your sign!
For now, my sign is hanging in Reagan’s room. I’m sure that will change at some point though. I would love to have it in my office, once we get that room pulled together!
Do you love what you do? I pray you are living our your gifts and passions too. I feel like I have a dream job, and I am so so blessed. Creating and being with my family are two of my great loves. I would love to help make creating easier for you as well. It might not be your thing, but you can carve some “me time” and try. Yesterday, I released registration for February’s Spoonful Tribe craft kits. Take a look at the three options, and order your membership today!
Today, I am going to also give away a box! Please let the rafflecopter widget load, and then enter in as many ways as you would like for your chance to win February’s Spoonful Tribe craft kit. I will release the winner in a post next Wednesday, January 29, 2014.